
SELF 5/4 Combination

SELF 5 / 4 is your energy combination. You care deeply for others and love to partner with people to create a bond. The goal is more the relationship, than the result of the relationship. You have a defined sense of self and would love to make this sense of personal security, available to others. Service to others, releases the best of your energy. This service comes in the form of leadership by example. You trust those around you to perform but “the buck stops here”. You are working for the greater good and are willing to help others achieve their goals. You are a creator of your own destiny and a solver of life’s problems. Your level 4 energy keeps you grounded in achieving results, while your higher level 5 thinking prevents envy and jealousy from derailing projects and collaborations. You derive great joy from team activities but you can become frustrated if others do not see the same vision and commit the same effort. When these feelings arise you may drain your own energy by getting caught up in the problems of others. You are not overly concerned about public opinion and equally, you have become less judgemental of others. You are a leader who is willing to lead by example and who is not afraid to get your hands dirty. You are a great problem solver and although you can get caught up in the welfare of others you can take the bull by the horns when necessary. This combination has the potential for tremendous business and life success provided one remains pragmatic and grounded.