
SELF 5/1 Combination

SELF 5 / 1 is your combination. You have great potential in the areas of leadership, personal connection, empathy, confidence and motivation. You are able to tap into broad awareness and intuition. The key word is potential. Because of your Level 1 energy you may notice that you can see the prize but find it hard to attain. You may find that you collect data and over analyze situations to the point that you stymie your ability to take action. Caught in the glare of intellectual indecision, you feel frustrated and can become sullen and moody. This is paralysis by analysis. As the success you desire continues to elude you, you come up with ever more excuses and blame circumstances and others. The inability to take full responsibility is a form of self-defeating entrapment. You may feel envious and jealous of others whom you perceive to be moving forward in their lives and leaving you behind. For all your awareness and high level thinking, you have an underlying feeling of not being good enough. This can all change for the better today! You need to create momentum by working and focusing on yourself, not on people or things outside your control. As the adage, “Change yourself and the whole world changes,” success in this combination requires inner change. By tackling your limiting beliefs you can convert life potential into real and actionable success.