
SELF 4/3 Combination

SELF 4 /3 is your combination. You have shifted away from self centered pursuits into the service of others. This is the level where “leaders eat last.” You are a provider and leader who advocates well for yourself and others. You have tremendous energy and determination which leads to momentum in life and great personal growth. You pursue a path of peace and harmony with others and make deep and lasting connections. You are optimistic about life, although driven, are flexible enough to go with the flow. Inner resistance is a thing of the past as your higher level of thinking spills over into your daily actions. You are happy to engage with life on life’s terms; rather than force your own will. With great vision and charisma, you are committed to making a contribution to the world and those in it. In your drive to help others you may deplete your own energy levels and feel frustrated and get down on yourself. Learning to attend to your own needs ensures that burnout will not affect your ability to show up for everyone else. You are a great problem solver and show willingness to tackle issues head on. You care deeply about your team/organization and take pride in your work. As a leader your people know where they stand, because your honesty and forthright attitude leave no room for politics or games. You inspire loyalty in others and through empathy can assist them in becoming the best they can be. This is the energy of great leaders and carries the potential for remarkable success.