
SELF 4/2 Combination

SELF 4 / 2 is your combination. Your energy is collaborative, joyful and appreciative of a world filled with opportunity. You can motivate others and confidently take on leadership roles. This is an energy of service and awareness, where you can begin to access true happiness and fulfillment. Coupled as it is with SELF 2 energy there can be destabilising tendencies towards blame and frustration, when things either do not go your way or work out the way you want. Unfulfilled expectations and unfulfilled promise in others can divert you into negative attitudes and actions. This is doubly frustrating, since fundamentally; you have a deep and caring nature that gets derailed by some of the petty traits of SELF 2. This can cause a sense of alienation in both personal and work-related relationships, causing others to feel as if they are, “Walking on eggshells.” Even though you truly want the best for everyone, the baser instincts of this combination can pull you towards a need for control. This spawns fixed ideas on how events should turn out and how people should behave. This is a self-baked recipe for irritation and anger. This combination is characterized by the “two steps forward, one step back” adage! However, all hope is not lost! By regularly checking in with your emotional well being throughout the day, you can temper these negative overreactions and let your higher level thinking prevail. When this occurs, you bring harmony to your relationships and to your life as a whole.