
SELF 2/6 Combination

SELF 2 / 6 is your combination. You are a part of the world of dreamers and idealists. Joy arises from moments of existence and you are filled with awe and wonder. You are exceptionally creative and insightful and can border on genius-like at times. People with this energy are creative/right brained individuals who are often unsuccessful. You will struggle personally and financially unless you can develop mindfulness and positive daily practices. Rather than continually prioritize the “now” it might be a good idea to also plan for the future. Whenever you find balance between these two choices, harmony will reign. Finding fulfillment and constructing positive feedback loops is crucial to your success. You find everyday tasks mundane and repugnant. Pride may also be a blockage. In this combination you may have extreme frustration with your own circumstances. You are obviously highly talented but too angry, fearful and/or resentful to take the steps necessary to reach your full potential. When you expend energy on tasks that do not lead to immediate success you get angry. This clouds your realization that consistency is needed for others to trust you and for you to be able to develop mastery. Lacking clarity in process and ritual you may value the “one hit wonder” over the “ebb and flow” of continued work. Getting started can seem daunting but your willingness to get the job done has to outweigh the fear and frustration you may be feeling. There are no shortcuts to lasting success.”Terminal uniqueness” and overwhelm can be major blockers at this level. The solution appears intuitive and obvious on a grand scale but the daily actions to achieve them show up as mysterious. This is the energy of revolution, where you agitate for change and where the methods employed may not always live up to the high ideals. Humility is a quality that needs to be developed in order to serve. Some guidance in building a day to day routine is a good starting point to lead to success.This is where the advice “progress but not perfection” can be the starting point for great things. Take the first step!