
SELF 2/5 Combination

SELF 2 / 5 is your combination. You have lots of energy and confidence in your ability to get things done. You also have great leadership potential and can be very charismatic. However, this combination may cause you to use fear and intimidation as an easy way to motivate others. This can cause alienation, loneliness and frustration. Although you want vital and close relationships in your life, your anger, fuelled by fear, gets in the way. Envy and jealousy may further muddy the waters and there is a definite tendency to blame others when things do not go your way. This inability to take responsibility for your life and actions can lead to feelings of being trapped – in a constant state of low level anxiety, unable to relax or release the peace and understanding that comes with your Level 5 energy. Much of your frustration arises because you know better. However, when led by your lower emotions, these thoughts do not always translate into right action. You are therefore well intentioned but in execution become the proverbial “Bull in the China Shop.” You have immense drive and determination which can propel you to ever increasing success, provided you temper the internal conflict between your ego and your happiness. There is also a tendency towards the “do as I say but not as I do” attitude, in that you can easily direct others to right action while not holding yourself to the same higher standards. Thus judgement and criticism of others are your companions and whilst the self-righteous feelings associated with this, give you a sense of importance, they will not lead to happiness. Follow your intuition more often. This will provide better life decisions and a clearer vision of where you need to go and what you need to change in order; to enhance your peace of mind. You have all the necessary tools available to construct a wonderful and joyous, life provided you are willing to explore and discover the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back.