
SELF 1/6 Combination

SELF 1 / 6 is your combination. You are a romantic and dreamer who believes in happily-ever-after. You are passive and non aggressive towards life and the people in your life. You may feel battered by the reality of your life and find it easier to develop escapist techniques rather than meet challenges head on. In your unfocused state it may be hard to get things done and therefore seems more fulfilling to simply dream of them. You may also feel ground down by life and circumstances that you cannot quite fathom or overcome. The enormity of the universe and the tiny place you inhabit within it; brings feelings of insignificance. Your misguided vision distorts your view of the world and your place in it, since you do not see the big picture for what it really is. This leads to your fundamental questions; what is the point of it all? Led by this sense of apathy and caught in a self created dream, you find it hard to push forward in your life and find achievement and purpose. You hold unrealistic expectations for yourself and the world around you, which backed by your inactivity, lead only to disappointment and frustration. The good news is that all of this is a problem of perception. Working on your self esteem and self worth are imperative, to break out of your false narrative. Remember, what you focus on expands and therefore re-engineering your opinion of self, can be a game changer. Focus on what matters most: that you are worthy and possess a deep capacity for love and connection.