
SELF 1/4 Combination

SELF 1 / 4 is your combination. You care deeply for others and want to see them happy and fulfilled. You are a giver and much prefer to give than receive. You have tremendous sensitivity and empathize well with other people. These character traits are fine but for the fact that you derive your self worth and access to happiness through your ability to “fix” others. Problems arise when others reject your solutions and help. This can easily lead to lower self esteem and feelings of self loathing. You may also get overburdened with the task of constantly caring for everyone else, causing you to feel frazzled and frustrated. This inability to help may also cause feelings of guilt to arise as you perceive that you are failing in your life purpose. You avoid conflict and push much negative emotion inward rather than through outward displays of anger and rage. It is important to turn your attention back to yourself, if you are to find peace and happiness. Follow the old saying, “You cannot give away what you don’t have,” and start to care for yourself and put your needs first. When you can love and forgive yourself then you can release these positive emotions on behalf of others. Drawing boundaries and understanding the space where you end and others begin, can be very freeing. It is helpful to understand that you can do your best to guide, help and be of service to others but that the ultimate outcome of their happiness, rest in their hands not yours.